Hibito meets Azuma when visiting Brian Jay's grave on the anniversary of his death. Reflecting on how Brian was like an older brother to both of them, Azuma encourages Hibito to confide in his real living brother. While in a taxi, Hibito has a nightmare and panic attack, and has to get out of the car. He asks Mutta to meet him at a bar, and confesses to having a panic disorder—Mutta initially mistakes the abbreviation 'P.D.' as short for the title of a cartoon, Pretty Dog, but upon realising what Hibito means, reassures him that he is capable of passing the test. He notes that the fact that Hibito had a panic attack in the taxi means that it is not specifically the spacesuit that causes the attacks, and that Hibito can trust it. And, if he should feel a panic attack coming, that he can use the initials P.D. to remind himself of his dog instead.